I think you will find that putting some power conditioning between the wall and the plugs will make a bigger different then a cable. This is home theater not as reference hifi and the solutions are a bit different especially since Plasmas - but all TVs for that matter - thrive on clean AC.
Ideally you would have the Plasma on a separate circuit.
If the budget permits you can look at the BPT line, I am sure they could build you something good that will isolate your digital sources from the analog and the tv,
But closer at hand - especially after just popping for a new TV, Monster makes an inexpensive strip called the Powerbar which I can tell you from first hand experience will make an enormous difference. While I am a Venhaus fan too, at the end of the day the problem is bigger than one power cord can solve. Of course the combo is probably better yet.
Ideally you would have the Plasma on a separate circuit.
If the budget permits you can look at the BPT line, I am sure they could build you something good that will isolate your digital sources from the analog and the tv,
But closer at hand - especially after just popping for a new TV, Monster makes an inexpensive strip called the Powerbar which I can tell you from first hand experience will make an enormous difference. While I am a Venhaus fan too, at the end of the day the problem is bigger than one power cord can solve. Of course the combo is probably better yet.