Our DACs are processing digital information the same as our microwaves, yet we judge them very differently.Our microwave is NOT interconnected to other gear....We dont use our ears to listen to microwaves...
Bits are always bits and waves.... This is not and never can be argued against....Fourier theory like says cleeds is rigorous maths...Wave=digital....But there exist MANY type of dac implementation with differences...
And our ears listen to the results of multiple gear interactions(cables amplifier dac and speakers power conditioner etc) in their THREE working dimensions: mechanical,electrical and acoustical...
We dont listen to pure bits but to differently processed and smpliled bits and , we listen to the end resulting sound of many interacting factors in their 3 working dimensions in a specific system and room and house with specific ears...
Why in the world could we wait for the same results ? They are coming from different dac or they are coming from the same dac family perhaps but in very different working conditions ?
Because of the system working dimensions implementation in our specific home that are NEVER the same...I called these working dimensions, the system embeddings controls...