Please Help Me!!

Hello everyone!  I’m in need of some guidance on purchasing my next integrated amp...

I’ve got an amp in mind and will probably just buy that unit but am looking for positive reinforcement on the amp that I’m leaning towards.  If given any other recommendations, I’ll try to explain why my choice is better!

So here’s what I’m looking for...  The integrated amp needs to have been built between April 27, 1996 and May 23, 2002.  I was told by “someone” that this was the golden age of mid-fi; he owns a pretty high end bose sound system so he is indeed qualified.  I’m also looking for a unit with between 82-167 watts, no more no less (my speakers are rated at 170 watts so I don’t want to blow them). Oh, and the volume control knob has to be on the left side of the unit, unless the unit is over 27 pounds, then the volume knob needs to be on the right (I’ve got a nosey parrot that likes loud jazz, don’t ask).   Sound quality is not of importance at all; does it have lights on the front?  Good enough for me!  And I absolutely do not want a remote control.  I am not buying any more batteries so I do not want to pay thousands of dollars more for a unit just because it has a remote.  I don’t ever use remote controls and I’m running out of kitchen drawers to put my remotes in so please, no recommendations that have remote controls.

I’ve been looking all over for 2+ years for this end game integrated but can’t seem to find anything that suits my needs!  PLEASE HELP!

*any recommendations will not be considered as I’ve already decided what to buy and just wanted to let you know how and why my choice of integrated is better than your recommendations!

You guys suck.  I have an all BoseO system now and it sounds better that whatever you have or can buy anytime or any place!  It was a big part of the GOLDEN AGE of audio.  Reviewed in Stereophilefool!  Hope you all are not jealous!

I am listening now with my big feet up in the air on my custom listening chair, being fanned by young women feeding me wine and grapes by hand.  It is like I am in the room!

Part of what I think is pretty funny is also at least PARTIALLY grounded in reality.

When I joked-around about "Monkey Wards" - back in the 1970's, their "Audio Department" (shelf) was stocked with cheapo clock-radios, boom boxes, and shelf systems from what were then "crap" brands like Samsung and Goldstar.  The brands that we lusted over back then have gone the way of the dinosaur or have been bought and sold...

Fast-forward to present day and Samsung and LG (Lucky Goldstar =  same company with an updated name for those who don't know) are now "premium" brands for a lot of Consumer Electronics.  [How far into the future will it be when old guys will be lusting after "Vintage Tozai, Anjank, Jingsense, etc." equipment?]