Please Help with DAC...

I have a Samsung hd841 el'cheapo cdp if I add a DAC to it will I improove the sound or not, I thought a 200.00 used DAC may help a 150.00 player sound better but I wonder about technology in Samsung VS what will most likely be a slightly to moderately aged DAC, can you guys please tell me what specs I need to focus on such as BITS and such, or if entertaining the thought of a DAC is even worth it? I need to put this DAC thing to bed once and for all, please help!
Have you used Dakiom, I see them an awful lot on add's..but never see anyone comment on them, thanks for the advice.
Your money would be much better spennt modifying the player... this player is phenomenal once modified... check out the ads from Reference Audio Mods here on Audiogon, or better, EVS ( There is also hot discussion about this player in audio asylum. Check it out. This player transformed my system when modified by EVS, which used to make their own dacs (which held their ground against Bel Canto etc.), but now modifies players instead.. there is a reason for that.
Look for a used MSB link DAC, they can be had for under $150. If it doesn't do it for you, just sell it for no loss.

I"ll second Killerpiglet's suggestion. I believe there's a MSB Link Dac II for sale now.
Hey, I would upgrade the player unless you can get a really good DAC, I have a McIntosh MDA1000 that is out of this world but they are 5-6k used. You can get a nice player for around 2k. Good luck