Please talk me out of buying the Avalon Eclipse

I have found a good deal on these, never heard the Avalon speakers. Is the Eclipse  still a good speaker today? I say talk me out because I have to drive 12 hrs to get them!


How about if I told you they are $700? Still not worth it?

No shipping crates, so no shipping. Must drive to get them.

how old are they? They might be fantastic for the right space but age and condition would be my concern

I don't know how old but I'd say at least 30 years old though the drivers and tweeters look good. Cabinet also looks good.

I would do it if they are in good condition at that price. You’ve probably wanted and dreamed about them for years, and time goes very fast. I took the same chance years ago on a pair of Nestorovic 5AS speakers that I had dreamed about, and even though I only kept them for a few years I never regretted the experience. I don’t think you will either.

Besides, road trips are always fun!

Actually, I am curious more than anything. Nestorovic is also one of the speakers I am curious about! It is just fun to experience all those past products that were the best at their time. I will probably resell them at one point but I want to have that experience. We love road trips but still a stretch for a purchase but still thinking, still thinking :)