Plinius 9100 or Simaudio Moon i5 for Totem Hawks?

Has anyone compared the Plinius 9100 and Simaudio Moon i5 when listening to Totem Hawk speakers?

I have Totem Hawk speakers and the Bel Canto DAC 2 as a source, and am looking to upgrade my amplifier.

I've heard the Moon i5 and the Plinius 9100 are a good match for the Hawks. If anyone had a chance to hear them, I'd love to hear your thoughts and how you thought they differed from one another. Thank you very much!
I have a Plinius 9200 I don't need any more. Email me if you are interested.
Hi Emster. Thanks for your input. What were the Plinius and Simaudio models that you compared, and what differences did you hear that made you prefer the Plinius? Thanks again.
I have not heard both, but have the I-5 with a pair of totem hawks in a NYC apartment, and love what I hear. I use a Sim Nova as a source. I have a large living room, about 300 sq feet, and have no problem driving the hawks with the I-5. I do not necessarily blast my music very loud, but at 80-85db, I'm at like "30" max, on the 0-50 Sim I-5 volume control.

From what I have read, the Sim's and Plinius's are both recommended by Totem. The sim is fast, neutral-ish, and has snappy sound. I have not heard the Plinius, but have read that they are warm-ish, lush, full-bodied. I'm sure that there's a wine-like analogy between the two.

Good luck
FWIW, I just picked up a nice used I-5, and partnered it with my old Totem Sttafs. A very happy union indeed. I would only expect the Hawks to sound that much better.
It wasn't part of your question, but I have used the BV Audio A300 (they now have the A300SE). Despite its lower power rating, it pushed the Forests just fine. Haven't heard the Plin or the Sim. I did, nowever, like the Krell with the Forests as well.