Plinius Amps mated with Merlin VSM-Ms?

Has anybody matched up or heard Merlin VSM-M speakers with a Plinius amp such as the SA-102? Unfortuantely, financial reasons and "ease of use" may sway me to give up my wonderful Joule OTL monoblocks. I will keep tubes upstream, in my deHavilland UltraVerve preamp and Modwright Sony 999ES.

Tons of people have used that combo(myself included). I had the SA100 Mk2 and upgraded to the Mk3...very nice. The only problem with that amp are the BP's. They're 50mm which are bigger than normal and require a larger spade connection. Your sound quality will probably take a hit, but ya gotta do, what ya gotta do.
Unless you already own the Plinius amp, Bobby does recommend the Belles 150A Hot Rod or the Belles 150A Reference amp. Both considerably less expensive than the 102 (let alone the VZN 100's !).

The satndard recommedations are Ayre, Plinius, and Belles. The 150A Reference is the one that would interest me.