Pls recommend a tupe pre under 2500 for my system.

I 'd like to add some warmth to my system by adding a used tube preamp to it for less than $2,500. I listen to everything except rap. My current set-up is used for HT and 2 channel listening, and is comprised of the following pieces:

• Bel Canto Ref 500S
• Arcam AV8
• Ohm 100 S3
• Arcam FMJ 139
• Synergistc wires
• PS Audio Quintet

This will be my first piece of tubed gear. Thanks!
I own an LS-25 and agree that it doesn't have a trace of "tube warmth". That said, it doesn't have any SS "edge" either. This particular piece might be the most extreme ARC pre in that regard, but I still wouldn't call it SS sounding. Just "pretty neutral" and quite revealing. Later versions from ARC may have backed off a bit, but none that I've heard sound at all tube-like.

Therefore, I'd agree that these wouldn't be on my personal list of preamps appropriate to the OP's stated desire.

I was going to suggest the BAT 3iX, but the VK-31 mentioned earlier has a better user interface (the 3iX is very basic), while also allowing tube rolling. I don't know what the VK-31 users for power tubes (the 3iX uses two 6V6 tubes), but I was quite surprised that most of the improvements in warmth came from replacing these tubes.
Joule Electra LA-100 or LA-150 would probably do the trick, if they can be found for $2,500
If you are trying to get the tube sound I agree with Darkmoebius
You cannot go wrong with the Joule Electra Preamps. At the price they go for here, they are a steal.
I cannot recommend the new Don Allen two tube linestage enough! It is the best I have heard, and that is including a First Sound preamp. Dramatic dynamics, air air and more air around the instruments, lots of detail, and tremendous bass with perfect pitch midrange, and it is only $800.00!