To ps. Thank you for reminding me of my other threads I have posted concerning buying new speakers. I hope you are not indicating you are annoyed, by my several post, though it seems that way to me
Having been on this blog for over 10 years, I often witnessed members who become impatient with others who post threads about products asked about before. There are several ways to ask a question about an audio product
To me, I could care less about how many times a member posts thread about the same type of component. I hope I can help them based on my own knowledge and reviews of the product I may have read. Redundancy is just being scrupulous and careful, especially when it comes to speakers. It is almost impossible to hear every speaker a person may have interest in, and I have discovered overall the last 10 years that in many audio showrooms, staff personnel are either arrogant or dismissive unless you declare you are buying the same day. Often,they can push customers to feel obligated to buy. This attitude does not proceed from the salesman's duty of "closing the sale", but usually from laziness and not wanting to make the buyer feel comfortable. When I used to "regularly tour audio stores, I've seen many a customer just walk out under such conditions. It got to the point that when I walked into an shop, I would amiably announce that... "I was not buying today ,but just looking" and of course I was treated like I had the bubonic plague
This may be getting a bit off topic, but sites like Audiogon should always be open and tolerant of others who either lack the knowledge of a product, or are reluctant to commit to a product without getting as much information as possible. We all have buying foibles, so my mantra is... "so ask away"
Thanks, S.J.