Poioneer Elite SC05

Trying to decide between a Yamaha RXV-1900 or Pioneer Elite SC05. anybody have any opinions on either?
Well, I not only judge my onkyo against my pioneer 94txh and say it sounds better, I judge it also against the lexicon proccessor with room correction with proceed amps I had before my pioneer which definatelly without a doubt sounded way better than the pioneer but didn't sound any better than the onkyo. Btw, I'm using a 7 channel sonus faber speaker setup to judge the sound with.
I didn't mean to sound like I disagreed with Doggg as he makes the most important point regarding home theater audio. Things are changing and improving very quickly. Comparing anything to the last generation, as I did, is almost irrelevant. Since the amplifier sections may be quite similar to their predecessors they may be the only thing to subjectively compare.

The improvement in codec and processors over the last generation is remarkable. It seems the high end AV processors are well behind the curve in comparison with consumer receivers. While I'm not near as critical of my 7.1 HT audio as I am of vinyl playback I'm constantly surprised by this new (to me) sound space and multichannel playback.

Again, I apologize to Doggg for the tone of my post as that was not my intension.
I also thought the SC-07 was a great leap forward in sonic quality for HTR (SC-05 is very similar). For me, it beat the yamaha and denons at that price point. The B&O icepower, as executed by Pioneer, is a revelation in Class D amps. As always, listen for yourself and find what you like.
I replaced a Anthem AVM20 pre/pro with a Pioneer SC-07
last month and couldn't be happier. The SC-07 is sonically
excellent, not to mention it's the best looking receiver or pre/pro out there. I'm using mine as a pre/pro with a Sherbourn 7/2100 amp.