Polk Audio RT2000p or LSi 25's--- WHO CARES ???

It's absolutely amazing how my question previously asked could garner approximately 100 hits and each one of those hits were from signed up members who couldn't care less about helping me with my query.
If the moderators do publish this then they realize that there are a handful of their paid membership that do nothing but control this website to their liking. I will be unsubscribing if this is not published and if the members do get to see my opinion I'm sure their are many of us who feel the same way.
Rok2id provided insightful experience with limited information from you. This limited information is what I understand M_snow might refer. You asked for opinions about speakers which I can almost guarantee nobody uses with the same equipment, nor in the same type room, nor with the same music/movies. If you follow anyone's recommendation based on complete informational darkness, I'd be willing to bet you'll be back here screaming about membership conspiracy giving you misinformation because they didn't meet your expectations. For the most part, this is a very helpful group, we also like to have a little fun. For some of us becoming part of a misguided argument (and, yes, I should've been banned for aspects of my participation in various threads) is entertaining. As some have said, there are many other threads with different membership having different audio/video priorities and experiences. I believe you'll ultimately get your answers, you just may have to look elsewhere to get it.
Asking about Polk's here is like going on a Ferrari site and asking about the performance of a Chevy Cobalt.

Most don't shop for their audio gear at Best Buy, so knowledge of Polk's is, at best, marginal. You come off as a real whiner - Boo Hoo, nobody wants to talk about my Polks.

Looks like you've trolled the site enough, time to move on, nothing to see here.
What i dont get is i tried to start helping you and asked you some questions and you chose to ignore it yourself. The same thing you are belting up everyone else for.
Ya know it's like people start to warm up and as soon as they do they want to be cold again. I don't get it. "

You need to bear in mind there is a lag time beween writing a post and when it is posted. I also am not sure all posts get posted in their exact time of submission order.

If you look at the forums page there is a whole set of posts not responded to for the last 30 days. I have one or two in there.

Sometimes, even though it appears that your question should get answered, there may not be anyone with the specific knowledge or experience that can help you, and you get no response.

People that use this site are very helpful, and have provided me with suggestions that allowed me to significantly improve my system.

Best of luck with your system