
What is a good power conditioner that I can use without breaking the bank? Also, what is a good AC power cable I can use for that, plus the Schiit Vidar power amp that isn't super expensive? I am currently using the stock cable for the amp. Thank You!
My 2 cents -
I think your power cord budget is good for a solid performing Shunyata Venom HC v1 or v2. Great bargains used.

On the power conditioner if you can go up a little $-wise, try an Isotek EVO3 Polaris. See listing at the Music Direct link below. MD is great to deal with and have a very helpful return policy.

I would live with the Polaris and stock Isotek cord for a while, then try a Venom HC.

I purchased an open box Isotek Aquarius from MD and was surprised by the difference it made in my system (despite 3 dedicated lines). Truly like a component upgrade. Later, replacing the stock Premier power cord with a Venom HC made a significant difference for the better.

Be aware the Isotek conditioners take a C19 plug.


Good luck.
I would stretch a little, get the Decware, and consider it a long term investment in a high quality component with a lifetime guarantee.

This was suggested by Almarg on this forum.
Total cost: $622
Audience Adept Response aR2p power conditioner used, $326
Wiremold UL210BC Power Strip (w/tax, shipping) new, 91.63
Porter Port Audiophile electrical outlet audiogon, new, 44.30
Shunyata Venom Defender AC Line Purifier noise reduction used, 160.50
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