You’ll have to try it to see. Many do like more powerful amps with Harbeths. But to some degree that’s just one factor in choosing an amp that you like with your speakers. The reason the discussions are inclusive is that it’s a matter of taste and preference. I am rather objectively oriented, but I'm always surprised at how different the sound is from different amps paired with a set of speakers.
My own preference is for powerful amps. To me, they give better control of the speakers and better bass. I’m using a Bryston 4B3 now; and the 14B SST I used before sounded GREAT. With my P3ESRs, I’m using a Marsh Sound Design A400s (200 wpc into 8 ohms, 330 wpc into 4).
My own preference is for powerful amps. To me, they give better control of the speakers and better bass. I’m using a Bryston 4B3 now; and the 14B SST I used before sounded GREAT. With my P3ESRs, I’m using a Marsh Sound Design A400s (200 wpc into 8 ohms, 330 wpc into 4).