Power conditions for Integrated Amps

Anyone using a power conditioner for an integrated? I keep hearing to plug your amp direct into a wall, and use a conditioners for the rest of your equipment. So, what do you use for an integrated? I'd like to hear from actual integrated amp owners mostly. Others are welcomed to chime in of course!


I wonder if you were to do a blind test to 50 people or more if people would hear a noticeable difference in sound quality.

I wonder if you were to collect 50 people whether they would all have same situation with their electrical? Of course they wouldn’t.

If we start out in different situations, and we don’t know what the differences are, what is the possible point in comparing? None. We’re just misinforming one another.

Thanks Everyone! Lots of helpful opinions and options. Now I have to get off my butt and try a few....

My Vitus SIA-025 MkII direct into wall and all my digital into AQ Niagara 3000.

I use the Furutech gold plated copper wall sockets.

My power meter is mounted directly on top of a high current surge clamp which feeds my 100 amp panel (older house). From there a have a dedicated 220 VAC circuit feeding a Richard Gray Substation Pro, 220 VAC to 120 VAC, 4,000 Watt Isolation transformer with a paralleled Richard Gray 600S choke, finally feeding a PS Audio Powerplant 12 AC regenerator. Wouldnt have it any other way as my power consistency in Southern New England is pretty bad.