Power cord

Looking at spending around $1500 2 m audioquest or Nordost


Neither, get Acoustic Zen, Krakatoa or better, those are by far my favorite cords, they are magical... Or maybe Acoustic Revive but those are kinda harder to find, I have one of the ones that's like $1300 and it’s really good but kinda stiff.

As danmar123 said, make you own. I made cords for all of my components and could custom size the lengths. I used Furutech components from the cable store.  

@pinwa  DPS 4.1 is $100 per meter less than it was previously @480.00 per meter from Douglas connection and elsewhere! This suggest to me that Furetech hasn't been selling much of this stuff and wants it gone more than likely, probably had a bad review! The plugs are also  $20 less than previously.  We all take a hit.

The hit is much smaller if you DIY with a little research and bulk buy cable. Not only rewarding its fun. 

Why not spend less than $500 and purchase a power cord that delivers like a $2000 power cord. Veritas Cables power cord, a small new company that has started up. I've only seen items on USAM.