Power Cord for Accuphase Amplifier

I have a new Accuphase P-4600 amplifier and am looking for a power cord to replace the stock. So far I’ve tried the Cullen Crossfire and the IceAge OFC Frankencable. While both cables have worked well on my source components they have not performed better than the stock on the amplifier. So to those who have Accuphase amplifiers what power cable has worked for you?

As I mentioned in other threads Accuphase strongly recommends that you use only the stock cord and so far that has been the best. The. other two have resulted in a darker sound with less soundscape openness. 

I’ve been trying to stay under $500 for the cord but would be willing to go a little higher if it improves the amps performance. 


@jfrmusic "I have been unable to find a third party Power Cord that sounds better than the stock cord delivered with my Accuphase P4600 Amplifier."

Accuphase designs amps/other to be immune to AC noise, IR drops, worst of RFI, so, your finding sounds reasonable to me! Typically cheapest amps because of low tolerance to noises, benefits more of cleaner power etc.

Hi ! I have to disagree ...

I was a happy owner of an Accu 470

And then I changed that for an Accu E5000

I have triyed a lot of AC cables, including Jorma Prime and Audioquest Hurricane but I was not convinced to buy them

After years of experimenting I stopped to DIY Furutech 762. The cable itself is not a revelation without the corect terminations, which I found to be Shuko Oyaide 004 and IEC Isotek Gold - very fast cable, very good image, good timbre

Another good match for this cable can be ETI Legato gold ( both Shuko and IEC ) - a bit more romantic and forgiving than upper combination, but still , fantastic cable

What I did found out in 10 years of Accuphase ownership is that Accuphase amplifiers does not like Rodium on the AC plugs. They sound impressive at the beginning but for long term you can't tolertate them ...

And Yes, for Accuphase the most critical cable is the AC cable. You can't have them running on the stock cable , it's a waist of money. You'll never know what Acccuphase is up to, untill you have-it on a proper AC cable.


Maybe I will continue my search for a power cord for my Accuphase P4600 some day. But right now it sounds wonderful. Any upgraded cords in the $500-1000  range including a Furutech have reduced soundstage transparency, slightly darkened the sound and moved the image closer especially the mids. Only benefit was a little more bass. 


Keep updating this thread as you audition PC for your Accuphase P4600.


Happy Listening!


I would not get discouraged to try power cords within your budget. One of the blind buy off off eBay, turned out to be such a pleasant surprise. I picked up OYAIDE VONDITA-X 1.8m power cord for under $600. I am still breaking-in this cord on SACD player, with only 72 hours of running…I am loving what I’m hearing.