Power Cord for Power Conditioner

I'm trying to figure out if it is absolutely necessary to use a company's power cord with their power conditioners. No brand in particular.Any help would be appreciated.
thanks in advance,
Hi all ! lots of great input here , we all dont have to agree ! To me , listening is a learned skill . Think of it this way...ever seen the show Chasing Classic Cars ? The dude looks at different cars and he sees things we dont see . Steering wheel not original , flaws in paint , etc . He is seeing stuff we would never see ( or notice ). Listening is the same , it is a learned skill , just like anything else . There was a time when I could not hear the difference between Linn and Rotel CD players . I was listening to the highs , the lows , etc . Finally the sales guys says " dont worry about that stuff ..how does the music FEEL ? Learned a lot that day !
>>Audiophilia is about faith and hope, not evidence. :)<<
"To me , listening is a learned skill ."

I think a lot of it is also about training yourself to believe you hear improvements. Making your music sound better is fun and rewarding and it is somewhat based on what happens outside the ears and somewhat based on what happens inside.

If you can continue to 'hear' improvements after you've tweaked all the things that actually improved the sound then it continues the fun part of the hobby. That is certainly everyones privilege.
Hi all ! I gotta kinda disagree here a little Jeff . I think some do "trick" themselves into hearing improvements . Once you have gained the experience on how to listen there is no "tricking". Like they say.....it either is or it aint .
I think trickery works both ways.

You can convince yourself that you don't hear any differences also.

Some of the reasons are, a lack of funds to swim with the big fish,gear that just isn't resolving enough to hear differences,no hands on experience, but you "know" it just can't be, relying on "facts" and acepting old and flawed blind listening tests as proof.
This one kills me.

You think our ears can be tricked into thinking that one power cord is better than the other, so we shouldn't trust our ears.
Yet, and this is what kills, you accept reports of people using their ears who fail to hear differnces as gospel.

Can you have it both ways?

Either you trust the ears or you don't.

If you don't trust the ears of those who say they hear improvemnts, then I'll say that I don't trust the ears of those who don't.

I'll close by stating that the majority of people who "believe" there can be no differences, are in fact the only folks who have developed their opinons based on a belief system.
As most of them have never even bothered to try upgraded power cords in their systems.
And why not?
Because they believe it will not work.

A belief based on no first hand experience,just acceptance of opinions from people with beliefs the same as their own.

Everything makes a difference and if a person can't hear a difference, then they or their gear are the reason behind it.