Power cord recommendation for DAC

I'm temporarily using Shanyata Venom 3 over the stock PC of my DAC. Heard significant improvement. But would like a better source PC than Venom 3. Any recommendation? Budget is $200-300.
I would also add Triode Wire Labs to your list of possibilities. There's a review out there and many comments here on Audiogon. Pete of Triode Wire offers a money back audition period. Great bang for buck cords!

By all means audition cords, but I offer one note of caution. Power cords take a few hours if not a day to settle once they've been moved around. They also take a while to burn in when new. Based upon personal experience, quick a/b comparisons don't usually lead to accurate results, IMHO. For example, one cord might wow you with initial sparkle or accentuation of something you like but fail to be musical over the long haul.
I have finished auditioning the Cabledyne power cord mentioned in this forum and it is quite exceptional. Worthy of your consideration if you are still looking.
Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I think I ought to make a list to try at least 3-4 PC. Today, I ordered a Grover Huffman demo Zx unit. :) Grover is recommended by Steve Hoffman in his forum.