What gauge is the stock cord supplied with the pass amp? If I’m not mistaking it’s a 14 gauge power cord and it is not bad. However, I have owned two Pass Labs amps and both benefitted from a power cord upgrade.
I used Shunyata Taipan Alpha Helix with the X250.5 and had good results with Audience powerChord as well.
With the XA30.8 that I currently have all of the following power cords were an improvement over the stock cord: TWL Seven Plus, Acoustic Zen Krakatoa, Acoustic Zen Gargantua II, Furutech FP-S55N (currently on the amp).
FWIW I ended up keeping the Furutech on the amp and kept the TWL for preamp.
You won’t know until you try and hear it for yourself. The TWL cord comes up on used market once in a while, does not cost an arm and a leg and you can sell it and break even. Nothing to lose except keeping yourself wondering.