Power cords known to produce good bass

All the cable naysayers and deniers please step aside. We have heard your opinions more than enough already. Thank you.

Tell me if this train of thought is off base or not. I am observing that power cords made with a high strand count of fine gauge high purity wire can be very resolving, very refined sounding and very smooth sounding but, they do not provide good bass. Usually true? Yes or No?

Here's a couple of examples of power cord wire that I find fit the above description. Furutech FP-TCS21 and FP-SO22N, Acrolink 6NP4030 and 7NP4030 II. These are cables that are or were available in bulk for DIY application. I have pretty much done all the DIY cables that can be made using the ready made bulk wire that is on the market. 

Across three systems, I do have a lot of Transparent Audio power cords from the mm2 generation and the Gen 5 generation. All of them are re-terminated by me with Oyaide 004 cord ends.

I'm now looking for opinions about which other manufactured power cords are thought to have good bass. In particular I want to try something to go between the wall receptacles and power conditioners. At present I have two of the Acrolink 7NP40430 II cords in that position. High resolution but bass could be better.

Unfortunately, due to my hearing condition that is called hyperacusis, I'm extremely sensitive to brightness, harshness, shrillness, etc. etc., which means it is no dice on silver wire and most plated cord ends. Other than the Oyaide 004 ends, all of my cord ends and receptacles are un-plated copper.

So, any suggestions will be appreciated.

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I have definitely found that replacing stock power cables with high end ones improved the sound in my system, especially in the bass, first Audience and then Shunyata. The problem is one of expectation.  Hearing an audible difference is a far cry from being “blown away” by cable differences.  It’s more a question of how much you are willing to pay for subtle yet audible improvements.  I have no real explanation for why a short power cable improves the bass . . .  Just that in my system, it did.

Post removed 

Hmm, apparently some responders either didn't read the first sentence of your post or chose to ignore it. They must obsess and lose sleep over people believing that cables can affect sound quality.  That is their problem! ;  ) 

Anyway, I have found that the Puritan Audio "Ultimate" power cord can increase the perceived bass response, at least in my system. As a bonus, it is also extremely flexible,

Other things you may consider are; playing around with different interconnect and/or speaker cables, a different amp, adjusting your speakers. You could also try  devices such as the Add-powr Eau4 ( I own two)  or a Puron power filter. They offer a 30-day return policy. 


Hi ! Bringing the speakers close to eachother will most likely increase the bass

Another ideea - try to use Furutech 28/38 on your PC ( most sensitive shall be CD player PC )

I found that Furutech 28/38 has this ability to increase bass and thicker the sound