Have lived with the Strads for more than 2yrs. During which time amps used were alternating between my Jadis JA200, ARC REF600mkIII and FM Acoustics 611 (with either ARC REF3 or VTL REF7.5).
Did not post sooner because because you initially seem to be going for tube varieties as tittle of thread suggest, and whereas best result I got was with the SS FMA.
Now that you have opened up to SS (ie.Gryphon), I would heartily recommend you put FMAs in your 'must' audition list too. And if by any chance you ended up investing your money in them, I believe most likely they will also be the last amp you will ever want to own--SS or tubes.
However a thing of concern is that your CJ ACTII has not got any balanced out--am I right? The FMA amps got only balanced-in unfortunately.
Did not post sooner because because you initially seem to be going for tube varieties as tittle of thread suggest, and whereas best result I got was with the SS FMA.
Now that you have opened up to SS (ie.Gryphon), I would heartily recommend you put FMAs in your 'must' audition list too. And if by any chance you ended up investing your money in them, I believe most likely they will also be the last amp you will ever want to own--SS or tubes.
However a thing of concern is that your CJ ACTII has not got any balanced out--am I right? The FMA amps got only balanced-in unfortunately.