Powering Revel M20's.

I need an integrated amp for these speakers. Since I just bought them, I don't have a ton to spend on an amplifier. I was thinking either the Musical Fidelity A300 or the A3? I'd prefer the A3 because it's cheaper, but I know I'll need the power of the A300. Also, I thought about the Audio Refinement. I've had this one, but I'm having trouble finding another one right now. What about older Creek separates? Any good? Thanks for your suggestions.
I haven't listened to any of the electronics you're thinking of. I've heard much said, but again, no first hand experience. What I do know first hand, is the M20s. I would look for the highest quality 100 watts I could find. If you don't mind lower volume levels, they will perform ok with 50watts. I ran mine, for months, with a YBA Integre integrated, and was very happy, for awhile. A chronic condition in this audiogame. The amp is (YBA per say) a very good match with the Revels. Be prepared! These speakers are very revealing, and will highlight inadequacies in your system. But then again; isn't this always the case with the embyonic stages of, what becomes a total upgrade. I started with the M20s and went backwards, to finally end with my source. Happy hunting..warren
I'm using my M20's with a denon 3802 receiver (for now), sounds OK, but lacks bass control...
The A300 is a great integrated unit for the M20's which I used to own awhile back. If its in your budget you wont be dissappointed at all. They are a great match together.