Pre-amp with great phonostage (tube)

Need a great Pre (Tube) to record my audiophile LPs to a CD burner. Don't panic. It's just so I can take some of my clasics on the road. I will be using a Planar-25/Grado Reference turntable setup. Because of price I am conserding vintage units but would like all input. PS. Input on Solid State welcome too.
hi david99, the input impedence my preamp sees is 25k-ohms; while rogue sez the output impedance of the rogue 99 is 100ohms, this is surely not the case. as a test i ran a 2.2k-ohm resistor across the rogue's outputs, & this *noticeably* reduced the volume coming out of the speakers. it would not surprise me if the actual output impedance of the rogue is 2500 ohms, or even higher. i tried this same test w/the cary in the system (~800 ohms rated output impedance), and there was absolutely *no* reduction in volume, when the output was crossed w/the 2.2k-ohm resistor. perhaps, w/the rogue seeing a higher input impedance of, say, 50k-ohms, or 100k-ohms, there would have been no loss of mid-bass in my system. impedance-matching *is* important! regards, doug
Mikey (Fremer) likes the Audible Illusions Modulus M3A. Oh, did I forget to mention that I have one for sale? (MM Phono would be good w/high output Grado. Sincerely, truman.
Sedond, how did someone as stupid as you appear to be, ever manage to find an excellent piece of gear(Cary SLP-98)? Must have been dumb luck. Oh by the way, I hope you like the Melos better because I heard they're out of business again!
(sy)phill(ys), i guess ewe 1st have to have a certain level of intelligence prior to being able to determine that of others - ewe can attribute my liking of the cary to dumb-luck, intelligence, whatever - no concern of mine, really. regarding melos, i *am* at least smarter than ewe regarding this, because i know their true status, and it's obvious ewe don't. i also know the reliability of the piece in question, know that i'm paying less for it than the cary, even tho it retailed for almost twice what the cary retails for, cuz of a lot of folk's ignorance about melos (like *ewe*, perhaps?), and i know that 3 cary dealers i talked with *all* said the melos sounds much nicer than the cary. so, thanks for your support - i, *too*, hope i like the melos better. but, if i don't, no problem, i like the cary yust fine on its own. doug