Preamp choice: CJ vs CAT vs First Sound vs ...

I'm looking at moving on from my beloved Audible Illusions M3A. Would you please post your experiences listening to or comparing the following preamps:

- Conrad Johnson LS 17, 16, 16 mkII
- CAT Ultimate, CAT Sig III
- First Sound
- others of distinction (Joule?...)

Please note what power cord you used. I've found that power cords have a night & day effect on preamps in particular.

I've had the First Sound on long term loan in my home and consider it FANTASTIC, expecially with the new Shunyata Taipan powercord. It's a bit softer and warmer with the Black Mamba. (on the first point all present agreed; on the second there was some dissention)

I have a preamp CJ 17LS. Particularly its sound terrific, very detail in midrange, warm, sweet and dynamic (because it is a high performance preamp). This preamp sounds almost like CJ 16LS. To me 17LS not only sounds wonderful but its look also beautiful and cheaper. I used a custom made power cord and a power conditioner. Therefore, I love very much their combination with a solid state SimAudio W5 amp.
Oops, sorry, forgot to mention the associated gear in my request. I have Conrad Johnson Premier 12's, Cary CD303/100 cdp, Sonic Frontiers Phono One phono stage, Basis 2001 / modified Rega RB300 / Van Den Hull Frog. Speakers are Spendor FL-9's but I tend to rotate speakers through my house very year or so. Spendor, Proac and Thiel, although less so the latter recently.