Just bought another Mullard gz34 instead.
I truly hope it is better than the one I have at the moment,
which must be a dud as it makes the Syrah sound terrible.
I suffered it for a few days thinking it must come better but could not bear it and put the Sovtek 5ar4 back in.
I will keep an eye out for a bendix.
Thanks again.
You are into something here. Although the Mullards are great in my Chenin (Metal GZ34), you have to remember that when Mick listened to the preamp, especially the phono, the parameters were adjusted with the conventional tubes in service.
For example, the right resistance to properly biased the JFET's etc. If you open the preamp, you will see that there are rheostat's (blue) on some junctions that their primary fuction was to "tweaked" or "optimized" a certain parameter(s) (i.e. voltage or current)to voiced out the preamp.
...just a thought...