Preamp Gain issues with high efficiency speakers

Hey all,

Been having a hard time with my system lately.

I recently got a pair of Zu Soul 6 that are 100db efficient. My power amp is a Conrad Johnson Premier 11 (70wpc) and my Preamp is a Conrad Johnson ET3-SE that has 25db of gain. Source is a streamer (PI2AES) with Denafrips Pontus II DAC, but it is the same regardless of source.

My issue is that even at 1 out of 100 on my preamp, the volume is still quite loud. If I were to turn it up to 30, I would be well north of 95db.

Due to a new baby, most of my listening is at low volumes.

I have been using in line attenuators but I feel like it adds a slight veil to the sound of the music.

I swapped out my Preamp for a Schit Sys passive pre and I could only turn the knob to maybe 7 or 8 pm before it was LOUD. I figured with a passive no gain pre I would be able to have more control over the volume, but this was not the case.

Is this Amp just a bad match for my speakers? I have read that it is better to have your pre running closer to 40-70% so that you are not attenuating the signal too much but I can barely get it to 5-10% before its quite loud.

Any insight, recommendations would be appreciated!









Good Luck with CJ 

I use a passive Gold Point preamp with my SS amp , 

in reading that the CJ volume control is to loud at 1 with 25 db preamp gain and  the Schitt allows you to go up to 7-8 with no gain it got me thinking .  

The 24 position control on the GP passive ( good reading on the web site ) increases volume by different db levels for the first 7 positions then at a steady 2 db's after that ,  using a tube phono preamp I play music from the 12 to 14 positions . So it's a [possibility that the Schitt does the same . If you look into a passive preamp look for one that from the beginning increases volume by 1/2 or 1 db , just a thought .

The Decware should match great with your speakers. I just picked up a used Torii MK IV and I'm having lots of fun. I am now looking for efficient speakers like the Zu. Please let us know how you like it. Are you still breaking in the Soul VI? Are you going to go for the new Sarah 300b?



@karl_desch I currently have the SE34I.6 Zen Triode Integrated with all mods but considering upgrading to the Sarah. My issue with the Sarah is the dual volume controls and lack out outputs. 

I will let you know when the time comes, hopefully not too long. 

Are you using the RCA outputs to run a sub or two?  I have a Bel Canto E1X pre/DAC that I use for as a Roon streamer and phono pre.  It also has sub outs where you can control the low pass start point. You can also add a main speaker high pass frequency.  I am using this to control the Torii and Vandersteen 1c and Vandersteen subs.  This arrangement allowed me to get around the need for RCA outputs on the Torii.

As others have noted, you have too much system gain particularly with your speakers.  I have Devores, 93db claimed efficiency and a Zesto Bia 120, 60 watts per ch, 23db of gain and ended up going with a passive, resistor ladder setup so the pre is basically a volume control and source selector. 

It's possible that converting your amp to a 11X, i.e. triode and EL34s may be the ideal combination of less power and better quality sound.  I have an ARC CLassic 30 I use as back up to the Zesto.  Its input sesitivity is even higher than your CJ but less rated output and it matches up nicely in my system of passive pre and Devores.   Good luck!