preamp output impedance - could it be too low ?

i´ve found a german tube preamp with 56 ohm unbalanced and 22 ohm balanced output impedance.

could this create any problems or sound degradation ?
to match with nuforce v2se


No it won't. The lower, the better. That preamp must have a cathode follower output stage, which will make it a good performer during high-power demands.

I had a low Z cathode follower (CJ) and felt like it added to the noise floor too much. The linestage had 27db gain and my amp was 100K input impedance and 1V for full output.

I would try to follow the "eight to one" rule and mate it with an amp with a VERY low input impedance. But, I don't know of any amps with a 4k to 5k input impedance.
Nonetheless, a low input impedance will allow your preamp to be "a good performer during high-power demands" like Aball says.
YBAs are, usually, 27k. You could even biamp with those! And feed them well. (Because you'd, still, be sending your signal into 13.5k).
Maybe, there's a complementary German amp you should explore. . .