Preamp upgrade for NAD 320BEE

My current system includes an Arcam CD73, a pair of Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 bookshelf speakers and a NAD 320BEE integrated amp. As of yesterday I was using an Exposure Super XV integrated amp, but I constantly get a ground loop buzz sound with it, and despite all my efforts it will not go away.

So I'm back to the NAD 320BEE. Coming from the Exposure, its sound is warmer, which I like, but sounds slightly muddy and lacks the soundstage that the Exposure had. I use jumper cables currently to connect the preamp to the amp of the NAD320BEE unit. I think this means I can use a separate preamp.

Any thoughts/recommendations on a good budget preamp that might add some soundstage and clarity back to my music. FYI, I listen exclusively to classic jazz.

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Try the NAD C-162 preamp. For the $$$, the C-162 is decent. I know many people who use the NAD C-162 pre-amp with power amps that are 4 or 5 times more expensive than the NAD pre-amp in their audio setup. A pair of pre-amp jumper cable is a cheap tweak that can improve the clarity of your system not much but noticeably.

Or you can try the brand that Mr. Milpai had suggested.

I have owned a few NAD integrated (326BEE, 352, and 372)

IMO, I think the pre-amp section is not as good as the amp section in any NAD integrated.

The budget NAD amps (320BEE, 325BEE, and 326BEE) are great budget amps for the $$$ but because of the way they were designed to compete in their respective price ranges, they may sound a bit warm (a bit overemphasis on mid-bass and upper bass).
IMO, I think the pre-amp section is not as good as the amp section in any NAD integrated.

Hieule5, I completely agree with you on this
That's interesting re the preamp. I have access to an old Adcom preamp/receiver I think from the early 90s. (My father used to own one, paired with an Adcom amp). Paired with the the NAD 320BEE, sounds like that might help, or at least worth a test.
I have upgraded the jumpers on the NAD320 actually. Robert Fritz at audioart cables made a pair for me from his acclaimed IC-3 interconnects. Did make a noticeable improvement in clarity (less "muddy" sounding overall).

I generally prefer a warmer sound than a colder, more accurate system. That's why I generally stay with english equipment. That said, what I don't like about my system is that the soundstage/depth doesn't seem to exist.