Preamp upgrade for NAD 320BEE

My current system includes an Arcam CD73, a pair of Wharfedale Pacific Evo 8 bookshelf speakers and a NAD 320BEE integrated amp. As of yesterday I was using an Exposure Super XV integrated amp, but I constantly get a ground loop buzz sound with it, and despite all my efforts it will not go away.

So I'm back to the NAD 320BEE. Coming from the Exposure, its sound is warmer, which I like, but sounds slightly muddy and lacks the soundstage that the Exposure had. I use jumper cables currently to connect the preamp to the amp of the NAD320BEE unit. I think this means I can use a separate preamp.

Any thoughts/recommendations on a good budget preamp that might add some soundstage and clarity back to my music. FYI, I listen exclusively to classic jazz.

I have upgraded the jumpers on the NAD320 actually. Robert Fritz at audioart cables made a pair for me from his acclaimed IC-3 interconnects. Did make a noticeable improvement in clarity (less "muddy" sounding overall).

I generally prefer a warmer sound than a colder, more accurate system. That's why I generally stay with english equipment. That said, what I don't like about my system is that the soundstage/depth doesn't seem to exist.
Update. Well, I thought the cheapest first step was to try an old Adcom pre-amp that was lying around in my father's basement. Adcom GTP-500 pre-amp/tuner. Hooked it up to the NAD 320BEE integrated.

The sound improvement is remarkable. The soundstage has opened up and some of the warmness that seemed to be masking the details is back. Things like the snar-drum and jazz guitar picking are crystal clear; vocals I can hear the texture in the voice again.

Thanks for everyone's help. I imagine when I save some $$, I'll purchase a better pre-amp.
I am happy for you. Save up the $$$ for a decent pre-amp or at least a used C162