Preamps built Into DACs

A lot of higher end preamps are also DACs. A lot of guys that buy these high end DACs already have a high-end preamp.

How much money could be saved on a $6k preamp/DAC if the preamp section was removed? In my case, a preamp on a DAC is redundant. I believe the preamp section should be an option on a DAC.

What say you?
I``m not an engineer or electronics component builder and thus lack the background to debate at all on technical grounds.
All I have to offer is based on hearing and I trust my ears and my spontaneous reaction to what I hear or emotional response (does it involve me or not and to what degree)What ever steps it takes to get there I`ll do it.

So far in my listening experiences premium quality tube preamps are an asset and clearly improve the sound quality. I`m sure the actual builders/designers of top level preamps could explain why their products improve performance and articulate the reasons(technically) quite well(which I`m unqualified to do ).

There`re just going to be proponents of both sides,direct connection vs active preamps,it`s great to have choices in the marketplace.
Charles1dad, you said it very well and my experience is the same. No active preamp in a system is wonderful sounding to some, but I have always found the resulting sound cleaner, lighter and lacking in body, weight, natural tone and impact. No active preamp systems seem to provide more detail and can certainly be quieter, but over time I became aware that the perceived transparency and detail was really a result of other important musical cues being missing.
Threads like this make me laugh.

Even if you choose to go "no preamp"... there is still a preamp involved!! It's just a lower quality preamp, tagged onto the digital circuitry, sharing the same power supply as the digital section. No thanks!

Do you really think that if you put the circuitry in the same box as the transport/DAC that somehow it magically eliminates preamp circuitry?? Nope.
Hk_fan, in the case of digital domain volume control this is certainly not the case - you do in fact eliminate the "preamp circuitry" entirely. I don't know precisely how Empirical Audio's and Weiss volume control work, but I suspect they also eliminate circuitry and implement VC through a fundamentally different architecture.