Prefered 300B tubes for Canary Amplifiers

I'm the owner of a Canary 306 300B amplifier. The stock tubes are EH and I'm interested in upgrading to a premium set of 300B tubes. I'm wondering what others have tried and liked and wondered whether the Canarys can accept the XLS designated tubes.
I do not know how many tubes that you would require or your budget or how you define "premium." However, in my experience in my 300b SET, the best tubes are the Takatsuki TA-300b followed by the Sophia Royal Princess. Both easily best the Shuguang Black Treasures. I have not heard the "standard" Psvane or the Psvane WE Tribute or any of the EMLs or any of the less expensive Sophias.
You have a 24W/Ch. PP 300b amp and I have a 25W/Ch. PP 300b integrated amp. A couple of years ago, I was exactly where you are now - trying to upgrade quality (but not the best quality) 300b tubes. IMO, the key factors involved are 1) Your amplifiers operational specifications as they relate to the tubes. This isn’t a matter for opinion, just hard, cold specs. Call the companies involved and find out. 2) Tube quality. I would love to try the Takatsuki’s, but requiring four tubes, they're just too rich for me. I use the Sophia Royal Princesses. They’re a big step up from second tier tubes and well worth the extra money in my application. 3) Personal preference. Buy what sounds good to you regardless of what others say. Good luck.
Phaelon makes good sense, with 4 tubes the cost begins to matter.I use the Takatsuki as gary mention above and it is brilliant. The Sophia Royal Princess is excellent in my SET amplifier and better than the WE 300b reissue tubes I tried.The Sophia RP are a lot less than the Takatsuki. I would definitely consider the EML tubes, they have very good word of mouth reputation.
I have owned both the Canary ca301 mk ii and now the Canary ca339 for many years.
The eh gold grid 300b's made a nice sonic difference over the regular eh 300bs for not significantly more money.
I would try the gold grids before spending stupid money on some of the more expensive 300b tubes.
Additionally, changing out the stock driver and input tubes to some good nos tubes makes a much bigger difference in that amp than anything you would do with 300bs in my opinion.
Change the 12ax7 to a nice telefunken and the 6sn7s to sylvanias or rca's and you have taken that amp to a whole diff. level without touching the 300b's.
Besides, I think that amp was actually designed around eh 300bs.