
I,m thinking of buying a Prima Luna amplifier but worried re reliability, and what you do in the UK if you have problems.

Would like to hear what owners think about reliability, tube changes , tube upgrades, potential problems,
And what happened if you had problems re after sales repair and support.

i,m going to use them with Proac D20 r floorstanders .

 Thanks in advance for your help 
I can’t believe how bad ( to my ears)
modern hi fi sounds regardless of cost.

So sad, so true. I was in Definitive Audio recently. Listened to Brubeck's Time Out on their premier system. Very dynamic, tons of detail, nothing the least bit organic about it. I remember thinking on the way out, and that was probably a million dollar system.

Wrong. As if. A few quick internet searches turned up the sad truth: $1.3M.

At this rate, not much longer, hi fi gonna be a four-letter word.

so so true I really didn’t want a tube amplifier, due to it being 
out of my comfort zone, but now I,ve heard one there’s no comparison, thanks for your Prima Luna recommendation.

But what’s wrong with people,s ears do they really like a sound that’s totally different to ,say a classical orchestra, or acoustic guitar?

Why the flat harsh dry sound, I feel like I,m on a parallel universe 
Listening to some of the modern hi fi 

just got to save up now , and try not to annoy wife with costs !

I have a Primaluna Integrated for over 16 months and have not had any problem.  It is idiot proof with auto bias and bad tube indicator. I am trading it in this week for a Primaluna Preamp and Amp.
But what’s wrong with people,s ears do they really like a sound that’s totally different to ,say a classical orchestra, or acoustic guitar?

Why the flat harsh dry sound, I feel like I,m on a parallel universe
Listening to some of the modern hi fi

Part of it has to be hardly anyone has ever sat and listened to an actual orchestra performing in a concert hall. I was so fortunate, third grade teacher had a Seattle Symphony violinist play in our classroom. Smart guy, too. Had us close our eyes, listen, how many violins are there? And he would play pure notes that sounded like one, then chords, and the dude could make it sound like any number of violins he wanted! 

Later we went on a field trip to the Symphony. All through jr high and high school I was in band. Lotta time around real acoustic instruments. Much later still, several years ago, we went to several concerts at Benaroya in Seattle. Locations varied from a near ideal center floor maybe 20 rows back to cheap seats way up in the balcony. The balcony seats sounded so nearly identical to my speakers at the time it was spooky. Closer up you hear a lot more detail. Nowhere including with your ear right up to the strings would you hear the hyper-crackle etch the highest of high end systems seem to do so much.

Its so bad that never mind listening, its actually getting painful even coming here to read. Because the crap people recommend and buy, I know what it sounds like, and even just imagining is enough to make my ears hurt. But its like one guy vs the WWZ zombie horde. Time you tell one, a thousand more infected.

Oh, sorry, you were going with the parallel universe metaphor. Well its not like I didn't try. Its just the zombie-like mindlessness seems a better fit.