I also use the Pro-ject SPDIF output to my DAC via a 1 meter RCA digital cable (High Fidelity CT!-1 Ultimate) and the sound is truly splendid.
pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3
Funny that someone asked Jay's if they'd go with Streams Unlimited as I recently asked/recommended to Technics that they do a strictly CD top loader using the Streams Unlimited when inquiring as to when they were coming out with their new integrated. Never heard back from them but I also told them they'd corner the audiophile market if they could come up with one for under the price of the Pro-Ject as they have the massive infrastructure in place to do so and can scale up production making it a win-win all around. I hope someone took notice. 👍 All the best, |
Hope springs eternal 😊 Good rationale for why Technics should follow suit but I seriously doubt that They would. Seems large companies like this with an ample engineering department are motivated to develop via in house resources more often than not. It is not at all surprising that the higher end boutique companies are more aggressive in utilizing latest technology from a boutique (But highly capable) developer like Stream Unlimited. |
@charles1dad , Yup. Those big companies have the resources, facilities and egos to match. 😀. I’d be happy if they just came out with a top loader CDT without all the streaming attached to it. The reviews on their latest SACD/streamer are very good and they could conceivably make one. They already have an all in one mini system top loader with active speakers and (I think) some streaming capabilities. They could easily make a CDT version to a higher standard but like you say, hope springs eternal. All the best, |
I will not be overly surprised to see China’s Jay’s Audio, sooner rather than later, come ’round to the realization that, as word of the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T spreads ever wider, they will have to start building their CDT2-MK3 (or its as-yet unnamed successor) around the latest-design top-loading transport mechanism used in the CD Box and elsewhere. If Jay’s Audio continues on its present course, my guess is they will soon find themselves left far behind in the sales dust as customers-in-the-know will no longer voluntarily settle for their beautifully-made CD transport, but one unfortunately saddled with and handicapped by its technologically obsolete and no-longer-manufactured top-loading CD mechanism. This outcome is all the more likely because the Jay’s in its present form is priced very closely to the CD Box RS2 - and furthermore because nearly everyone agrees that its sound is no match for the CD Box’s. |