pro-ject cd box rs2 vs jays audio cd2 mk3

I have been following a lot of posts here , but I have not read of any comparisons as of the 2 transports . I am on the fence about the 2 transports as it does not seem that there is to many choices in that price range. I can purchase both transports for about the same price . any body compare them yet or have any other thoughts . thanks

@charles1dad , Yup. Those big companies have the resources, facilities and egos to match. 😀. I’d be happy if they just came out with a top loader CDT without all the streaming attached to it. The reviews on their latest SACD/streamer are very good and they could conceivably make one.

They already have an all in one mini system top loader with active speakers and (I think) some streaming capabilities. They could easily make a CDT version to a higher standard but like you say, hope springs eternal. 

All the best,

I will not be overly surprised to see China’s Jay’s Audio, sooner rather than later, come ’round to the realization that, as word of the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 T spreads ever wider, they will have to start building their CDT2-MK3 (or its as-yet unnamed successor) around the latest-design top-loading transport mechanism used in the CD Box and elsewhere.

If Jay’s Audio continues on its present course, my guess is they will soon find themselves left far behind in the sales dust as customers-in-the-know will no longer voluntarily settle for their beautifully-made CD transport, but one unfortunately saddled with and handicapped by its technologically obsolete and no-longer-manufactured top-loading CD mechanism.

This outcome is all the more likely because the Jay’s in its present form is priced very closely to the CD Box RS2 - and furthermore because nearly everyone agrees that its sound is no match for the CD Box’s.

Man I really want to hear the Pro-ject! 

how does it do with scratched up discs? My new low brow Cambridge will play cds that have issues on most every other player over the years and sounds much better than my streaming system. If it’s finicky with discs it would be a consideration. Being that my Cambridge sounds so much better than streaming or ripped music off a ss drive to me that another transport could be that much better seems crazy (bits are bits right) haha. All antidotal evidence points to that it really does. 

@ jaymark: Quoting you, "I am blown away (by) the phenomenal sound now emanating from my modded Holo dac."   

Which Holo Audio DAC are you referring to, and what kind of "mod" did you perform (or have done) on it?

I am so pleased I took the time to do additional reading and investigation. Also, so glad you folks out there take the additional time to investigate too.

    I was soooo close to buying either the Jays cdt2 mk3 model or CEC-TL5 CDT  model. I had read a little on the Project model (CD box RS2) before, and when they mentioned the dimensions and weight,  I was ready and probably did dismiss it totally. However, after reading all the posts and the critical acclaim of the pro-8 drive, I'm almost sold 99%. Thanks so much to all that had done the research. Robert TN     Now I have to decide where to buy. I only hope their service and reliability is as good as their product???  Thanks again!