I was heavily weighted on auditioning the Harbeth C7s but I cant find a shop around here that carries them in stock. The place I go to has the Proac D Twos so I researched them and they sounded like a logical choice given that they're in the same price range. They are smaller tho and seem to fit the bill of what I'm looking for:
- No coloring
- Non-fatiguing
- Good bass response (at low and med-high levels - I dont listen to music super loud)
- Clarity, good separation and naturalness.
- Sound stage (I read that they have a huge sound stage)
- No coloring
- Non-fatiguing
- Good bass response (at low and med-high levels - I dont listen to music super loud)
- Clarity, good separation and naturalness.
- Sound stage (I read that they have a huge sound stage)