Dear fellows,
I finally decided to keep the Proac´s One SC.I discovered that they are speakers very sensitive to listening room position.Also is very important the type of interconnect cables you use.I got a pair of Van Den Hul interconnect cables and the bass gradually appeard.So I´m very happy with these speakers.Excellent clarity, balanced and so real the sound to my ears.For the money they cost, I think these little speakers are the right ones if you are looking for a natural sound , accuracy, and image.They excells in classical music, jazz,acoustic in general.So I´m happy that I could keep them.So again ,patience and dedication can sometimes reveal a completely new sound using the same audio equipments.I will take it as a general rule in audio to test every possibbilities, cabling, positioning, power cords, etc etc before getting rid of any equipment, because once you change any of them , you will start from zero.¨it´s like when a dog is trying to bit it´s tail¨hehe!!Cheers and any other experiences with Proac´s speakers will be highly appreciated!!Raf
I finally decided to keep the Proac´s One SC.I discovered that they are speakers very sensitive to listening room position.Also is very important the type of interconnect cables you use.I got a pair of Van Den Hul interconnect cables and the bass gradually appeard.So I´m very happy with these speakers.Excellent clarity, balanced and so real the sound to my ears.For the money they cost, I think these little speakers are the right ones if you are looking for a natural sound , accuracy, and image.They excells in classical music, jazz,acoustic in general.So I´m happy that I could keep them.So again ,patience and dedication can sometimes reveal a completely new sound using the same audio equipments.I will take it as a general rule in audio to test every possibbilities, cabling, positioning, power cords, etc etc before getting rid of any equipment, because once you change any of them , you will start from zero.¨it´s like when a dog is trying to bit it´s tail¨hehe!!Cheers and any other experiences with Proac´s speakers will be highly appreciated!!Raf