ProAc vs Totem vs Usher, please comment

Okay guys, I've narrowed it down to these speakers and would prefer to stick to these choices. I would appreciate if you can comment on any of these speakers, if you've heard them. Please keep the value/price in mind as well, I will be buying used from Audiogon.

ProAc Response 1.5 - $1100
Usher X-719 - $800
Totem Forest - $1800

Side note: I'll be doing an in-home demo on is the Fritz Carbon 7. I doubt many have had experiences with Fritz speakers, but he is an excellent person to talk to and builds very quality speakers. Nice enough to bring them to my home for a demo.

I would like to purchase one (or two) of the three speakers above to A/B against the Fritz Carbon 7's. I've checked out local dealers but none of them would let me take their speakers home to demo. This is why I'm turning to Audiogon for advice, since there are many many knowledgeable people here.

Just some background, my amp is a McIntosh 7100 (100wpc SS) and my room is 11x15. My previous speakers were the B&W Nautilus 805's and I thought the metal tweeter was fatiguing after extended listening periods. Also, the B&W's excel at vocals and jazz, but not at faster/bassier music. I'd like something that's great all around, even for movies.
I owned the Proac Response 1.5s a couple years ago. My initial reaction was favorable. They did a lot of things right, but for me they lacked the three dimensional quality I like. Also have owned both Totem and Usher speakers but only their monitor offerings (Totem Model One and Usher S-520). Honestly, I wasn't all that impressed with them.
As for the three dimensional quality mentioned, I find it with time coherent speakers such as Thiel, Vandersteen or Meadowlark Audio. Good luck with the search.
Can't comment on the Usher or Proacs, but am very happy here with the Forests after 10+ years of Magnepan IIIA's. Not that I think the forests are necessarily "better". I consider them both to be at similar levels of attainment but very different. Using 15 watt tube mono amps-no problem.
I have not heard Proacs in several years,but have spent time with the Totems and Ushers at a local dealer.They are certainly different sounding ,but bath are excellent! I find the Ushers to be more complete and rounded.I purchased the Usher 6311 after direct comparison to the Forest(and a couple of others)with several different amps driving them.I also considered the 719 (which I loved) ,but I prefer a floorstander.You could build a terrific system around either!
I havent heard the others but I have the Forests (now for over a year). in a 19x 14 x 8.5 foot room driven by a Pass X250. They do great bass and play incredibly loud, they move air, and they image extraordinarily well for floorstanders. Prior to the Pass I ran them with a mosfet 100 wpc amp very nicely, they will match very well, I think, to your Mac amp in that slightly smaller space. At low levels they are very defining too. Definitely worth a try, they will resell easily in the used market at your $$$$ if they're not for you. My 2 c..
I have had a pair of Proac Response 2.5 for about 10 years now and could not be happier. These speakers replaced a pair of Thiel 2.3 which I could not listen to. Way to harsh no matter what I tried.

My Proac 2.5 is the first speaker that made me stop listening to anything else. They are just pure wonderful music and can listen for hours on end..........
