ProAcs or B&W--Not hifi experienced, but luv music

I have a 5K budget for a compact system. I have looked at three systems. The 4K setup is a Linn Classik w ProAc Tablette Signatures. The 6K one is Rotel receiver w/ B&W 805s w/a Mac Book as the CD player and a Benchmark digital to analog converter. The store is giving me a discount on demo stuff. I would be willing to spend the extra $$$ as that includes a notebook, on-line radio, etc. I like both of these. The third option is B&O at 5K. This is pretty but the the sound doesn't justify the $$$. I enjoy listening to international, classical, putamayo, jazz, latin. Which do you think is the better system?
Where can I find a Paradisea USB DAC? I've looked on Ebay and on-line. Help, JAne
Hi Jane,

I have heard the 1sc's, and I (personally) like them alot. I'm not sure you will get their full effect when you are working, far away down the long end of the room, but when you are sitting closer in, relaxing, their musicality and imaging should be wonderful. I'm not sure what matches them best - I think they like some power - so if the Classic isn't it, I might consider a Plinius integrated like the 9200 which has power and also beautiful midrange and just good all around. You'll need good solid stands for your Proacs.

I have owned both the Paradisea and the Benchmark DAC, and strongly preferred the Paradisea for its natural sound. I have compared it back to back with my (expensive) Electrocompaniet CD player, with no particular preference, both very good. I definitely like it more than the Benchmark, which I find a bit too detailed and cold. A friend of mine just bought the Benchmark on 30-day trial, I lent him my Paradisea, the rest is history.

One nice thing about buying the Paradisea is that you can use an external CD player for a transport. If you didn't buy the Linn and bought a Plinius integrated, you could buy an inexpensive CD player or DVD player as a transport (e.g. the Oppo which costs $200 and sounds quite good even on its own) and plug its digital out into the Paradisea as well. Both would use this exellent DAC.

Looking at system cost:

Proac 1sc $1200
Plinius $2200
Oppo $ 200
Paradise $ 650
Stands $ 250
Cables $ 250
Laptop $????
Hard Drive $ 130

The total is $4900 plus laptop. Maybe a cheaper integrated (though I'm sure the Plinius would be killer!).

In this system, the only things you'd need to buy used are the speakers, the stands, the integrated and maybe the cables. The CD player and DAC would be new. I think you run little risk by buying the speakers used, and if you choose your seller right, little risk with the amplifier. I do feel bad if I've steered you away from a dealer though - we need relationships with dealers, we need to support them, and people need the support that only dealers can provide. That being said, if you don't feel like you were getting to where you want with your dealers, that speaks for itself. You'll need to decide between working with the dealer and buying online. One option would be to buy the Proac 1sc's and a suitable amp from the dealer.

Best of luck, Peter

Take a moment to visit a local Guitar (music) store. Audition some active speakers in their home studio setup and see if you find something you like. A lot of musicians use these type compact speakers with Mac's and PC's. They will not have the models you mentioned but you will find a great variety of compact systems - typically they carry a dozen "monitor" brands such as KRK, Dynaudio, Genelec, Adam, Focal, NHT in prices ranging from a few hundred to around $4500 for a pair of the Genelec 8050A (which is simply awesome). Remember this includes the amp which is built into the you could even consider the Genelecs on your budget.

To me when you buy gear it should be a no brainer - i.e. you should just absolutely love the sound...there should be no question or doubt. Reading between the lines, I just don't get the impression that you are all that enamoured with anything you have heard so far... and playing one speaker against one other speaker is not likely to get the optimum equipment for your tastes (just the better of two speakers - obviously). You may also find a less structured sales pressured enviroment for listening especially if you find a young musician working in the store to help you out and you bring your own CD's. Just a thought even if you simply use it as another data point...
Hi Peter,
I found some Proac 1sc in the cherry -- so that is exciting. What is the Oppos for $200 and what is that for? I don't want to put a system together and find I'm missing something. I still haven't found the Paradise -- looked on e-bay, too. But thanks -- you've been a great help. Shadorne -- what an excellent idea! I'll do that tomorrow. Thanks everyone, Jane
The Oppo is a universal disc player CD/DVD/SACD/DVD-A/mp3 etc. It does two-channel or video. It's a very good value.
