Problems with my remote

I have a Audio Note CD2.1x cdp and all of a sudden the remote quit working. I thought the batteries went bad so I swapped them out for ones that I knew were good to no avail. My question is how do I know its the remote and not the cdp? Anyway of diagnosing this?
Have you tryed re-booting the CDP? Unplug it for 1-2 minutes and press each button on the face plate when it w/o power. That drains any capacitance in the unit then re-plug it in. I have had equipment do that and aanything with a processor such as a CDP can need re-booting from time to time. I wonder if Bill Gates has to unplug his toaster from time to time?
Thanks for the suggestion Theo I tried that to no avail. I think I'll take the top off and see If I see anything suspicious.
Well I got it to work. I actually "banged" it on both ends and it started to work again. Maybe something inside came loose and got lodged in the pathway of the signal? Go figure.
Banged on what the CDP or the remote? Eitherway it's working, that's is a good thing.