Proper amp for Dynaudio Focus 110, $2000 max

I have finally made my choice in favor of Dynaudio Focus 100. Now I need an appropriate amp for them. Knowing that these speakers need high current amps to be properly driven, I have come up with the following list of candidates:

1. NAD 375 BEE
2. NAD S-300i
3. Anthem 225
4. Krell S-300i
5. Parasound A21 + Parasound P3

I have a budget of $2000 max and the last pair really hits the upper limit, but is probably the most powerful combination.
I am not going to listen to heavy metal on those speakers, my concern is about vocal, acoustic, instrumental and rock music, maybe some classics. So if I can go with the cheapest solution to properly drive them - I won't cry about that.

What do you think?
I would add Naim to the list. The 5i (new) or XS (used) should be in your price range
+1 for the Naim. (I'm using a Naim NAP250.2 + Dynaudio Contour S1.4)

Naim and Dynaudio play extremely well together. For $2K a used Nait XS should work really well with Focus.
McCormack would be a good addition, especially if you can find an amp that Steve McCormack has upgraded. Check out SMC Audio for upgrades. Would fit nicely in your budget.
I forgot to mention my revision A upgraded McCormack .5 amp works very well with my Dynaudio 1.3 SE's.