FWIW, The Tice PowerBlock IIIC is a completely different rig than the IIIB, II etc. If anyone cares, the hoo-ha is all on Tice's website. And if you want to inquire further, you can always call George, and talk for as long as you both have time for! I got into the PC game with a Tice IIIC HP (high power) and the difference it made for all components (amps, frontend) has been absolutely and un-exagerratedly astounding, to the point where the PC made more overall improvement to the sound than any component other than speakers that I've ever bought. All brands have their cheering section, and this is no exception, but I would encourage inquirers not to pan Tice's products without considering to their latest (non transformer-coupled) PowerBlock IIIC. It gave my entire system the air and reach-around depth of silver cables without any freq. shift or any of the nonsense my anaolgy might confuse you with! It was the single most important and beneficial audio purchase I have ever made aside from front speakers.
Regardless of your choice - power conditioners are a must.
Regardless of your choice - power conditioners are a must.