PS Audio BHK 250 - Is it still a good amp?

I want to move away from tube power amps, but not tubes in source components.
Have read so much good about the BHK 250, but it’s an old lady now, and I wounder if there is something better out there for the same money.

This is what I want form a new amp.
  • Power to drive any speaker
  • Sound that reassembly tubes
  • In the same price range as the BHK

My current speakers are the Tekton DI, 4 ohm with a sensitivity of 96db. Would like to have a amp that can drive a 87 db speaker.
I also don’t want think about replacing expensive tubes, and live with the heat the generate.
There are many used BHK 250 in the states, But I live in Denmark and there are not many used BHK's in Europe

I would like to thank the audiogon community for there knowledge and there willingness to share and help, your are the best (:Just hope that we will get an updated platform to work on. The Audiogon software is so yesterday.
Wish you all a Happy New Year
I agree there was a problem.  But, to the best of my recollection, whether or not the problem lay with that pair of LRS speakers was not investigated.  The problem was cured when they were replaced, however, with a pair of 17i's, which technologically are very similar to the the LRS's.  Again, I've had no issues driving my 1.7i's or 3.7i's with the 250.
Yes, that is true that the owner did not send his LRS to PSA so they could test.

What I am saying is that if the 250 were able to handle the LRS, I suspect PSA would just have purchased LRS, tested, and if positive result reported it on that thread to put the embarrassing incident to bed. Or same with any of the hundreds of 250 owners who followed that thread. Easy to do if they wanted to end all of that embarrassing discussion, if the 250 was up to it (perhaps it is, but nobody has claimed or demonstrated it to my knowledge).

i should clarify I am not anti-BhK and generally speaking it is really well thought of sonically for the price. As long as speakers aren’t difficult load probably great choice. But if speakers are difficult load, maybe dig deeper before purchase if used or buy new and test under their return policy 

Thanks so the drive all speakers has been debated,
lets move on to SQ.
I currently have a LM 845 premium best midrange ever (: But sloppy bass.I heard the Gryphon Diablo 300 with my speakers and the bass was amazing.
So I know that my speakers can play bass really and the same goes for the midrange.My interest in the BHK 250 comes from Arnie Nudell that say he sold his tube amps for the BHK. But again the Infinities has active sub so the BHK are not playing real bass
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I just got a low mile BHK 250 to replace an Audio Research Ref 150.  Took me a minute to adjust to the not as buttery top end but now I’m really liking it.  Lower heat, better bass, great mid and smooth top end. Has the Tungsram tubes.  I think this will do until i can afford a used ARC Ref 160 S. My speakers are Vandersteen Treo CTs. Good luck!