PS Audio GCPH and Pass X0.2 not talking?

I am baffled. My VPI Scoutmaster 'table works. My PS Audio GCPH phono preamp works. My Pass X0.2 preamp works. But when I plug the GCPH into the X0.2...nothing. No sound. No signal. (The lights are all on, but no one seems to be home.) I've quadruple checked everything from cables to inputs, but can't figure out why nothing is coming out of the X0.2 from the GCPH.

What I am doing wrong?
Try pluging the GCPH out into the CD input that you are using on the Pass. Gotta work!

Tried that: Silence.

Me thinks it's got something to do with the signal coming out of the GCPH and how it's being recognized by the X0.2.
Assuming that you have everything thing hooked up correctly. Would you have access to a volt meter? Try to measure the output of your X0.2 at the amp with the GCPH hooked up to one of the inputs (except Phono if the X0.2 has one).
Do the same thing above with your GCPH hooked up directly to your amp. Let us know what you found.
I'd give Pass Labs a call. Assuming that you are using RCA's from your phono preamp to X O.2, did you use Pass's shorting pins in the XLR's? Looking at the unit from the rear, each shorting pin should angle to the right. In other words, from the bottom XLR hole to the top right XLR hole. If the shorting pins are reversed, there is no sound.
what type of connection are you using to hook GCPH up to:
1) headphone amp
2) power amp
3) preamp

Is it the same type of connection, i.e RCA or XLR in all 3 cases?