PS Audio Multiwave-good or bad?

I know a simular thread was written some time ago when the multiwave option was very new, but now hopefully there are many more users. I own the P-300 & am very satisfied with it. I consider it to have made a huge sonic improvement to my system. I'm curious to know what kind of improvement I could expect from the multiwave option. Is it worth the $250.00. Please be specific on the sonic improvements. Thanks in advance...Sagger
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I run Multiwave (primarily PS2) on my P300 during listening sessions and shift it to Sin (60 Hz) mode when I'm done to keep electrical costs down (my equipment is on 24/7). If during a listening session I switch back and forth between a Multiwave mode and Sin mode at anywhere between 60 and 90Hz (90 is the best-performing Sin mode with my system), the Sin mode tends to sound less airy and transparent, the soundstage shinks slightly, and the images seem somewhat less palpable. Hope that helps.
I can only use the new multiwave card in the 60 hz. setting and run regular sinewaves. I vary the voltage output from 114 to 116 as displayed on the PS Audio 300. The PS 300 only powers a modified Wadia 861. The card provided a vast improvement in transparency which was apparent upon inital stone cold plug-in. It's hard to believe that a little less circuitry distortion from the new card can make such a difference. It does get better after it runs in over a week or two. Strange, but it does. It allows a deeper look into the soundstage. It removes a vail of soundstage haze from the original card and put more likelike qualities to the instruments and vocalists. My system is pretty hot-rodded and I can't use and of the other settings that the card offers without noticable tonal balance changes and a definate loss of "realistic air" and "subjective speed". The new Rowland model 12's are very, very fast and liquid, and so transparent powering the N801's. All components, even the PS300, rests on its' own vibraplane. Entire system is connected with a King Cobras and Silver and sheilded in-wall wiring. All this helps my system reveal to me all that is happening. No offense intended to others that do benefit from the various settings. I thought the first card to be best in the 60 hz. setting and that is where it stayed. The new multiwave card was listened to extensively on all types of music and I can say without question that my system sounds the most realistic with basic waves and 60 hz. setting. This card is quite awesome in the standard setting, giving me a higher level of realism. It gives me a very high bang for my $250 bucks.
Can't say it any better than the two above. I agree with their responses. I have it in a P300 and a P600. The most immediate thing I noticed was a blacker background allowing you to hear more detail, depth, width, and focus in the soundstage. This is a no brainer improvement to anyone who has a Power Plant.
My observations are similar to those above; more air and transparency, more palpability. Also just more of an ease to the presentation. I plug all my digital components into it, and use the PS2 setting, at McGowan's suggestion, because there was too much transformer buzz from my Purcell at the 90 hz setting and I have an air pump for my Forsell transport which probably doesn't like the higher frequencies. I gotta say, this piece is one of the better bargains in high end audio today, and it delivers what the manufacturer claims. And it even was fun installing the new card and chip!