PS Audio Premier

Hi All
I recently purchased a PS Audio Power Plant Premier for my system. I have 2 dedicated lines, and until now, have been using a Power Wing AC Conditioner. I was immediately floored by the increase in mid-range transparency, and the tightening, and strengthening of the bass. Initially, I had the Premier on a middle shelf in my rack, just above the amplifier (EAR 890). There was obviously too much heat for the Premier, as the fan was on constantly. I moved it to the side of the rack, where it was completely exposed, and raised it up on some Walker cones to increase ventilation under the unit. This helped, but the fan was still going on every minute for a period of 30 seconds. I contacted PS Audio, and they suggested that I was placing too much of a load on the Premier, and perhaps I should try a 2nd unit to split the load. I did, and now I have one amp, and preamp in one Premier, and another amp, CD player, and Turntable power supply in another.
Again this has helped, but I now have two fans going off and on every 3 or 4 minutes. At moderate levels, I don't hear the fans, but during quieter passages, it is very obvious.
Have other Premier ownwers had this problem? I'm considering getting a few ultra quiet computer fans to run over the top of the units. Do you think these could be quiet enough, and still be effective?
I absolutely love what the Premier has done for my system. The sonic benefits, the protection, and the consistency of the AC that it gives are absolutely fantastic. I just don't know if I can live with this fan going on and off.
I'd love to hear from other Premier owners regarding this issue.
The PPP is good up to 1500W which is better than the Exactpower unit. Plus it has 10 outlets vs. Exactpower's 8.

I run my entire system on the PPP and have no fan noice at all.
The PPP provides "up to" 1500W downhill with a tailwind, meaning at a wall supply of 125VAC (PS Audio doesn't really publish full specs.) When you have time, read this page:
In the meantime this excerpt explains why even big amps actually sound better with an EP-15A than plugged into the wall:
"In fact, when such sags are severe, the unit can supply over 7,000 watts of power for 10ms (over half a cycle at 60Hz) and 5,000 watts for a full cycle at 60Hz. The reserve energy is sufficient to supply its full 1,500 watts rated output for 50ms or 3 full cycles at 60Hz. Even longer term sags or “brownouts” can be corrected as long as the incoming voltage doesn’t fall below 90 volts."

So in fact the PPP cannot match the EP's capability, which BTW is achieved without fan cooling. Why do you think they cost more? Why do you think everyone, including PS Audio, has been trying to find a legal workaround to their patents?