Well its now been 8 days. Close to 200 hours since starting the Lumin X1. At this point, the soundstage has moved way back and way wide. I have never experienced this even with all the add on devices I had used. That is; with my Bryston BDP-2/ PS Audio Dac combo i.e. Uptone ISO Regen, SOtM usb, Core Power perfect usb. etc. With that combo there was a nice left, right and center, but with the Lumin X1 there is an all encompassing soundstage. Sorta like using headphones.
Not sure where you are in the breakin in process with your X1 but hang in there it does change quite a bit.
Still haven’t received the SR fuse yet. Darn USPS...
Not sure where you are in the breakin in process with your X1 but hang in there it does change quite a bit.
Still haven’t received the SR fuse yet. Darn USPS...