I believe there have been different volume recommendations in the past for the DirectStream, particularly in use with a preamp, often discussed with PS Audio BHK Pre. I believe Ted Smith made some changes, Redcloud or Windom, that addressed prior issue on this. I have read some believing 92 is optimal while others cannot tell a difference from there to 100, especially with Sunlight firmware, which is on mine. I do run through a preamp and have tried 90, 92, 95, and 100 from the DS, but do not find it has affected sound quality for me, only volume to my preamp. I do use balanced out on my DACs and from my preamplifier out. I also prefer XLR connectors over single ended RCA type for the locking of the connections. I have done so with DS on several preamps, Cary SLP-05, Vinnie Rossi LIO DHT, Vinnie Rossi Signature L2 DHT, and Mola Mola Makua.