PSB Synchrony One or Vienna Acoustic Baby Grands?

Has anyone done an a/b test with these two speakers? I'm considering them both, but there are no dealers in my area. My room is 11X17, and I have a Mcintosh SS mc202 amp.

Shadorne: have you auditioned them both? Just wondering why you rate the PSB higher.
i've heard both and agree with shadorne. the vienna is nice sounding and beautifully built and finished, but too laid back and reserved (mellow?) for my taste. the psb synch, on the other hand, is terrific--detailed, rich and dynamic sounding, big soundstage--among the best i've ever heard in the $2k range. needless to say, these are purely subjective judgments and your tastes may vary.
mohit25, you're right--i mistyped. new psbs msrp is $5k, tho the street price seems to be as low as $3.5k. i haven't heard much that's as good in that range.