Psychedelic Get Down Party

60's/70's psychedelic lps, okay?

Let's start with this one:

First time "psychedelic rock" was put to print. (First time the term appears on a lp cover.)

I bet no one gets this.
the Beatles, among many, were blown away by Pet Sounds

Contributing to psychedelia's emergence into the pop mainstream was the release of Beach Boys' Pet Sounds (May 1966)[83] and the Beatles' Revolver (August 1966).[84] Often considered one of the earliest albums in the canon of psychedelic rock,[85][nb 12] Pet Sounds contained many elements that would be incorporated into psychedelia, with its artful experiments, psychedelic lyrics based on emotional longings and self-doubts, elaborate sound effects and new sounds on both conventional and unconventional instruments
Timothy Leary "The Psychedelic Experience"? Apologies if this was already suggested, as I didn't read through this thread, being weary of inducing a bad flash-back!


(Bit of a cheat on my part since this is a monologue (spoken word) lp. No musicians. But then again, to be fair, I didn't say that it had to be a band lp.)
1970 Leary released "You can be anything this time around"  lp.
This time there were musicians doing a jam:

Hendrix - bass
Stills - guitar
Miles - drums
Sebastian - guitar

(I was listening to this lp  a few months back.)

Get down boy!