Psychologist dissects Pink Floyd's 'Dark Side of the Moon'

I never get tired of learning more about this seminal work by one of my favorite artists of all time. 




Didn't know about this until this morning.  Love the reviewers comments towards the end.



Care.  I didn't say the Floyd are the worst band in the world.  I said they are the most over-rated.

Agreed.  RUSH are far far poorer then the Floyd.  And quite rightly far less highly rated.  We are talking about the quality gulf between public rating and the awful unvarnished actuality.

Always wondered if the appeal of DSOTM came from the band touring and tweaking the album before it was released.

I saw this' Eclipse a piece for assorted lunatics' concert which was the working title at the time and still have the program that was handed out, Philadelphia Spectrum 4/29/72 nearly a year before the March 1973 album release.

The sound system at the show was mind blowing, 4 channel PA on the hockey rink level and 3 PA clusters on both the 2nd and 3rd levels of the venue.

I believe they were working out and experimenting with song things based on audience reaction. Judging by sales, this approach to touring/tweaking before release was a smashing success.



OK you may be correct that they are "the most over-rated".  Let me ask two things: Have you ever enjoyed listening to it?  And how do you suppose DSOTM spent over 1000 weeks on the Billboard chart top selling 100 albums?

Just curious.



then next thing you know

50 years have come and go

while we are still fuking w/our stereo